Enjoy the Benefits of Farmers Co-Op Oil Company.
When you choose to be a Patron of Farmers Co-op Oil Company, and are a loyal customer, your patronage pays you back!
Our Patrons Own the Business
Our Patrons are the owners the Farmers Co-op Oil Company. Each of our Patrons can attend the Annual Meetings, even if they are not a farmer. Farmers can be on our Board of Directors and vote.
Profits Paid to Patrons as Dividends
Each year, our Patrons receive a check with their earned dividends based on the profits that the Farmers Co-op Oil Company makes during the year. This can vary each year, but most of our Patrons find the dividend check that they receive to be an awesome benefit of their loyalty. To qualify, set up a membership account, spend at least $500 annually, and keep your account in good standing. Members will receive their dividend check at the Annual Meeting in the Spring or via mail.
Profits Stay Local
Unlike other competitive for-profit gas stations, you can be assured that profits accrued at Farmers Co-op Oil stay in our local communities in the Arlington, Danube, Gaylord, Gibbon, Green Isle, Lafayette, Lamberton, Mayer, New Auburn, New Germany, Olivia, Redwood Falls, Renville, Wabasso, Walnut Grove, and Winthrop areas. Doing business with us is not just filling your vehicle with gas, but investing in the future of our small towns.
Interested in becoming a member of Farmers Co-op Oil Company?
We welcome anyone who wants to be a member of Farmers Co-op Oil Company to apply for a local account – you do not need to be a farmer to become a member with us. To apply for membership with Farmers Co-op Oil Company, simply download the application and either return by mail to PO Box 250, Renville, MN 56284 or fax to 320-329-3589.